CANLEE lub laser txiav tshuab rau yeeb nkab (ob chuck)

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Cov qauv gantry yog saws, thiab ob tog tsav yog txuam nrog cov khib nyiab thiab pinion, uas muaj cov yam ntxwv ntawm kev ruaj ntseg zoo, rigidity thiab kev kub ceev.
Cov qauv gantry tau lees paub qhov chaw siab ceev, ceev ceev dynamic teb thiab zoo stability ntawm cov cuab yeej.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Txiav txiav

Ø 20mm-420mm

12000 hli

Ø 20mm-420mm

Customized tshuab

Txiav txoj kab uas hla



Txiav ntev



XY axis

Positioning raug (mm)

≦ ± 0.05

≦ ± 0.05

Reposition precision (mm)

≤ ± 0.03

≤ ± 0.03

Laser zog (W)


Tshuab Chuck Feature

1.Pneumatic chuck

Lub installation yog yooj yim thiab txuag zog, thiab tsis muaj kev noj thiab hnav.Lub clamping degree ntawm lub workpiece yog tswj los ntawm huab cua siab, uas tuaj yeem tswj tau yooj yim los xyuas kom meej qhov ruaj khov ntawm kev pub mis thiab qhov tseeb ntawm kev txiav.

2.automatic lubrication system

Nws muab cov roj lubricating rau cov khoom siv kom ntseeg tau tias kev ua haujlwm siab ntawm cov cuab yeej siv tau zoo, thiab muaj cov haujlwm xws li lub tswb txawv txav thiab cov kua theem tswb kom paub tseeb tias qhov tseeb thiab ua rau lub neej ntev ntawm kev sib kis.

3.Ib tiam tshiab ntawm kev saib xyuas kev nyab xeeb module

Qhov kev ncua deb ntawm lub taub hau laser thiab lub workpiece yog khaws cia txhua lub sijhawm, txo qhov kev pheej hmoo ntawm kev sib tsoo, thiab muaj kev ua haujlwm ntawm kev tsoo lub phaj kom nres.

Tshuab tseem ceeb piav qhia

Khoom siv: Laser txiav.
Qhov xwm txheej: Tshiab
Txiav loj: Length = 6meter, Chuck loj = 160mm, 220mm, 350mm.
Tswj system hom: Cypcut.
Cov qauv duab muaj rau kev tswj hwm qhov system: BMP, DXF, DXP, PLT.
Cooling qauv: Dej txias.
Qhov chaw keeb kwm: Hebei, CHINA.
Warranty: Lub hwj chim qhov chaw-2years, Lwm yam Cheebtsam-3years.
Daim ntawv ntsuam xyuas tshuab: Muab
Ntsiab lus: Laser txiav tshuab rau yeeb nkab & raj.
Laser hom: Max lossis Raycus lossis IPG.

CANLEE the Laser Cutting Machine For Pipe(two chuck) 02
CANLEE the Laser Cutting Machine For Pipe(two chuck) 01
CANLEE the Laser Cutting Machine For Pipe(two chuck) 03

Function: Hlau txiav tshuab.
Hom Lub Npe: CANLEE
Laser txiav lub taub hau: CANLEE hom lossis Ospri

CANLEE the Laser Cutting Machine For Pipe(two chuck) 04
CANLEE the Laser Cutting Machine For Pipe(two chuck) 05
CANLEE the Laser Cutting Machine For Pipe(two chuck) 14
CANLEE the Laser Cutting Machine For Pipe(two chuck) 15

Luj: 6000KGS (6000mmx1500mm) / Lwm tus qauv tshuab hnyav thov thov los ntawm kev muag khoom.
Kev pab cuam tom qab muag: Cov engineers muaj rau kev pabcuam txawv teb chaws.
Tshuab Xim: Grey / Liab / Dub / .

Packing & Delivery:

1.Iron steel pallet + Wrapping Film + siv lub xaim hlua kom ruaj khov hauv lub thawv.
2.Iron steel pallet + Wrapping zaj duab xis + tarpaulin + Ntoo rooj plaub + tarpaulin dua + ob txoj hlua khi
3.Iron pallet + steel phaj ntawm pallet + Wrapping zaj duab xis + ntoo rooj plaub + Tarpaulin ces nyob rau hauv tiaj tus khib.
Cov duab piv txwv:

Packing&Deliver (6)
Packing&Deliver (9)
Packing&Deliver (7)
Packing&Deliver (4)
Packing&Deliver (2)
Packing&Deliver (8)
Packing&Deliver (1)
Packing&Deliver (3)
Packing&Deliver (5)

Daim Ntawv Thov & Qauv

Stainless hlau & carbon steel & L los yog H los yog U steel khoom txiav.

CANLEE the Laser Cutting Machine For Pipe(two chuck) 19
CANLEE the Laser Cutting Machine For Pipe(two chuck) 17
CANLEE the Laser Cutting Machine For Pipe(two chuck) 18

Daim ntawv thov kev lag luam thov

Using range
Using range
Using range
Using range
Using range
Using range

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb